Scoop, pg 4: 3 images of adult and juvenile Mayan Cichlids scooping up freshly spawned tiny fry.
Top and center: a fully grown Mayan cichlid seems to be showing a youngster the ropes. One does
not often get to see this type of behavior. Most juvenile Mayans are left to fend for themselves.
<Image by Wolf P. Weber of adult plus juvenile Mayan cichlid fish, scooping spawn from other fish>
<Image by Wolf P. Weber of adult plus juvenile Mayan cichlid fish, feeding off spawn from other fish>
Paired adults frequently hunt together as in the spawn cloud below. I’ve seen them aggressively
defending such a food source with torpedo like head butts. On several occasions I even observed large
size rivals get into frontal positions in the style of Rams before slamming heads. A field day for Darwin...
<Image by Wolf P. Weber of a pair of adult Mayan cichlids in a cloud of spawn from other fish>
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